(843) 881-0190 | Email: [email protected]

Are You In A Floodplain?

Are you in a floodplain?

Do You Want To Save Money On Flood Insurance?

Flood Vents for those in a FloodplainFlood Flaps offer a simple, affordable and energy efficient solution to protect your home from the potential destruction of natural disasters resulting in flooding. Flood Flaps is currently the only product on the market that can completely seal the crawl space while still allowing for optimal flood water flow.

Flood Flaps allow the unobstructed passage of water automatically in both directions in to or out of the interior of the structure. Flood Flaps are intended to reduce the risk of structural damage from the forces of floods or flood waters for structures located in special flood hazard areas in accordance with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).

Flood Flaps may substantially reduce the destruction and damage to your home during a flood event. You may even qualify for a discount or reduced premium on your current flood insurance policy by installing Flood Flaps.

Check with your insurance agent to determine if you qualify for a discount on your existing flood insurance policy by adding Flood Flaps.

Click here to see how our FEMA accepted flood vents protect your basement or crawl space from flooding.

Flood insurance is also limited in areas below the lowest elevated floor, depending on the flood zone and date of construction. These areas include:

  • Basements
  • Crawl spaces under an elevated building
  • Enclosed areas beneath buildings elevated on full-story foundation walls that are sometimes referred to as “walkout basements”
  • Enclosed areas under other types of elevated buildings

Contact Flood Flaps today at 843-881-0190 or [email protected] to find out how our flood vents can help reduce your flood insurance, and protect your home or business property from flood damage.

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