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Flood Resistant Design and Construction

Flood Resistant Design and Construction (ASCE 24-05)

This standard provides minimum requirements for flood resistant design and construction of structures that are subject to building code requirements and that are located, in whole or in part, in flood hazard areas.
Go to page 11 to view the minimum 3” diameter opening requirement in section titled “ Engineered Openings.” Additional commentary is also provided on page 40 that states, “The minimum dimension of the opening in any direction in the plane of the wall should be 3 in. This minimum dimension will help prevent blockage by small debris and sediment. The opening may be any shape as long as the appropriate discharge coefficients are used to reflect the shape (circular, square, rectangular, etc.).”

Download the ASCE 24-05 Document

Contact Flood Flaps today at 843-881-0190 to find out how our flood vents can help flood proof your home with our flood resistant design and construction of our engineered flood vents. You may reduce your flood insurance premiums, and you will protect your home or business property from flood damage.

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