Flood Flaps ICC-ES ESR-3560

Flood Flaps® ICC-ES ESR-3560, effective September 1, 2015 Flood Flaps® Engineered Flood Vents, manufactured by Flood Flaps®, LLC, renewed its evaluation report (ESR-3560) from ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES), providing evidence that […]

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HFIAA Flood Insurance-changes and consequences

Flood Market Update: 3 Consequences of April’s HFIAA Changes BY JACQUELYN CONNELLY – See more at: http://www.iamagazine.com/markets/read/2015/07/27/flood-market-update-3-consequences-of-april-s-hfiaa-changes#sthash.usus6Uj7.dpuf In April, FEMA began implementing additional changes required by the Homeowner Flood Insurance […]

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