Looking for Superior Performance?
Flood Flaps Sealed Series FEMA compliant, Building code compliant, flood vents are perfect for structures located in floodplains that desire conditioned space or an encapsulated crawlspaces. These models use two (2) rubber flaps to keep air from passing through the flood opening in non-flood situations, 365 days a year. In the case of a flood, the rubber flaps will give to the pressure of flood water and allow water to enter or exit the flood opening. Energy efficient flood vents such as Flood Flaps Sealed Series models are even more important as states are adopting and enforcing the 2015 International Energy Conservation Code. Flood Flaps Sealed Series models provide a tight seal (watch a video and see for yourself) to keep enclosures protected from exterior climate air and insects. Superior Performance.
Here are a few benefits of our flood vents:
• Code, FEMA and FL Building Product compliant
• Affordability
• Can help reduce flood insurance premiums
• 220 sq. feet of coverage per vent
• Durable, rust resistant materials
• No preventative maintenance requirements
• Energy efficient | Air tight
• 2015 International Energy Conservation Code
• Simple to install, perfect for retro-fit applications
• Clean finished exterior look
• Interior trim accessory available
• Perfect for commercial applications as well
• Available in multiple colors
• Custom configurations for larger applications available
Why pay more for stainless steel flood vents that rust and leak air?
Flood Flaps is your answer in 2016!