Owners in floodplains across the country have been searching for a more affordable engineered flood vent to meet Building Code and FEMA requirements. So what do we offer owners with Flood Flaps foundation flood vents…UNMATCHED VALUE and SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE.
Our products are designed to provide efficient relief from hydrostatic water pressure resulting from rising flood waters. All of Flood Flaps flood vents cover 220 sq. ft. of enclosed area. Each flood vent is constructed of UV enhanced, durable, engineered ABS plastic that has undergone 2,000 hours of scientific lab testing, ensuring its durability and sustainability, along with a providing a great, handsome, clean finished look on the exterior.
Installing Flood Flaps flood vents may even help qualify you for a discount or premium reduction on your current flood insurance policy. Check with your insurance agent to determine if installing Flood Flaps engineered flood vent products qualify you for a discount on your existing flood insurance policy premium.
Flood Flaps foundation flood vent products are FEMA compliant, ICC-ES evaluated, automatic engineered foundation flood vents for residential and commercial applications. Our flood vents offer a simple, affordable and energy efficient solution to protect your structure from the potential destruction of flooding. Providing Unmatched Value and Superior Performance, Flood Flaps flood vents are currently the only ICC-ES evaluated flood vent product that can completely seal an enclosed structure while still allowing for optimal water flow in flood situations. Check out our video https://floodflaps.com/video-testing-proof-in-numbers/
Flood Flaps features and advantages include the following:
• IBC & IRC, FEMA and FL Building Product compliant
• Affordability
• Can help reduce flood insurance premiums
• 220 sq. feet of coverage per vent
• Durable, rust resistant materials
• No preventative maintenance requirements
• Energy efficient | Air tight
• 2015 International Energy Conservation Code
• Simple to install, perfect for retro-fit applications
• Clean finished exterior look
• Interior trim accessory available
• Perfect for commercial applications as well
• Available in multiple colors
• Custom configurations for larger applications available
For some applications, such as garage walls where horizontal space is limited, two Flood Flaps flood vents can be stacked on top of one another in place of two stacked cinder blocks in a wall. Homeowners are sealing/insulating their garages more frequently now, for example, where they are storing furniture, documents, sports equipment, musical instruments, etc. in their garages and therefore want them temperature controlled.
Contact Flood Flaps today at 843-881-0190 or [email protected] to find out how our flood vents can help reduce your flood insurance, and protect your home or business property from flood damage.
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